The vast green prairie, the boundless blue sky, Polaris & a Tiger Lily

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Just to be clear - Preferential Balloting vs Proportional Represenattion

I had a chance to listen to my interview on the CBC BlueSky program (streaming clip here) and I had mistakenly addressed Preferential Balloting ("what all the parties use to select a leader", also known as the Single Transferable Vote - STV) as Proportional Representation (something else entirely) and did not correct the mistake immediately on air. That honest mistake was then included in the CBC web article (online here) about me and our party.

Our website page about Preferential Balloting has been online since 2007, unchanged since then except to update the reference to our Chief Official Agent.

I apologize for the mistake and hope this post can be taken as an earnest attempt to correct the record by a "political neophyte" (as James Woods, lately of the Star Phoenix, labelled me).

In this day and age of a professional class of politicians, is being a neophyte really a bad thing?

Update: I joined the CBC Member Center to issue a correction on their story (can't do a thing about the BlueSky broadcast). It is sitting in moderator approval but reads;
Hi all
Glad to see people are paying any attention at all to the WIP.

I have issued a correction and apology here: for mistakenly addressing Preferential Balloting (which I meant to endorse as our party's official position since 2007) as Proportional Representation.

As for some of the other comments to this article; I would also be glad to live in a country where everyone is free to speak their mind without being targeted by bureaucrats, but unfortunately, Confederation is not that place. Ask Ezra Levant (2 years of punishment by the Alberta Human Rights Commission), Mark Steyn (BC HRC), Bill Whatcott (SK HRC), Connie & Mark et al from (CHRC); the list is quite long of people prosecuted by quasi-judicial "Human Rights" Commissions.

35 years ago, the National Energy Program (NEP) demolished Albertas economy, (Saskatchewans economy was already in dire straights due to decades of the regressive policies of the ruling socialists), and the result was indeed a desire to leave a Confederation that was extracting wealth from the West and redistributing it to other Provinces. It should be noted that Quebec is _guaranteed_ to always be a 'have-not', and BC & Ontario are right now have-nots due to the "progressive" policies of their Provincial governments.

I apologize for the mistake.
Dana Arnason
Leader - WIP

Update: It appears the CBC web folk will not publish my comment, leaving it sitting unapproved. I tried a comment (one sentence) in another article, and it is also unapproved. As far as I can tell, I met their guidelines, perhaps my transgression(s) could be pointed out with a message directed to me.

I'll try again, with less:
I have issued a correction and apology here: for mistakenly addressing Preferential Balloting (which I meant to endorse as our party's official position since 2007) as Proportional Representation.

Dana Arnason (much better looking than Ted, and my hair is real)

We'll see if this is acceptable.

Otherwise, one could rightly draw the conclusion they have no intention of allowing my comments to appear on the "public broadcasters" website.

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